CRC Governance Bylaws

CRC’s Governance Bylaws outline the purpose, objectives, and organizational structure of CRC, in addition to the method by which the CRC is managed and facilitated. The Bylaws were last updated in 2022 after a comprehensive review by our Steering and Executive Committees and officially adopted on April 8th, 2022.

A diagram of the articles and sections included in the Bylaws can be found below. 

CRC’s Governance Bylaws can be found below and are also available here as a pdf. If you have any questions, please contact


Located at the confluence of the American and Sacramento rivers, between the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the Sierra  Nevada foothills, the Capital Region1 faces a unique set of challenges from the impacts of climate change. The region is home to a rich history and vibrant communities, acres of prime farmland worth $1.66 billion in direct output, innovative businesses, the state capital, and cultural and educational institutions – all of which must be safeguarded against climate risks ranging from flood to fire to economic and infrastructural damage. Fortunately, the region can build on the strength of its assets and resources to develop a dynamic adaptation strategy that will protect all its stakeholders, explore new economic opportunities, and build more resilient communities.  

While local and regional entities are actively working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimize  the degree of climate change, we must simultaneously plan for and invest in a more resilient future. In the Capital Region, the effects of climate change in the next few decades will likely include: 

  • Increased Flood Risk  
  • Reduced Water Supply 
  • Increased Extreme Heat Days and Heat Waves
  • Increased Frequency and Severity of Wildfires 
  • Increased Public Health Impacts 
  • Disruption of Critical Infrastructure 
  • Endangered Natural Systems and Biodiversity 
  • Greater Risk to Agriculture and Our Economy 

Many local and regional organizations are already responding to these key vulnerabilities and preparing  for the changing climate, but much more needs to be done. By developing and implementing a set of comprehensive adaptation strategies, the region can increase its resilience, protect its unique resources and assets, strengthen its economy, leverage new opportunities, protect frontline and underserved communities,  and ensure a healthy and  prosperous future. 

Because climate impacts recognize no boundaries, preparing for these challenges will require an  unprecedented level of collaboration and engagement by stakeholders from every segment of our  community. Cooperation and collaboration can bring about innovation, advance comprehensive solutions, and ensure that the region maximizes opportunities for reducing risk and minimizing costs.  Working together will also allow the region to seek and respond to funding opportunities that support  regional implementation and research needs.  

However, in our region there are currently few structured opportunities for collaboration between  organizations to exchange information and leverage resources to become more resilient to regional, as  well as global, impacts. 

The Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative (CRCRC) aims to fill this gap. We seek to provide a forum for both local and regional organizations that are already tackling resilience activities as well as new partners who seek to become more engaged in this effort2. Through greater coordination and collaboration, the Capital Region can adapt to known and predicted climate impacts, and at the same time create stronger, more sustainable, and more economically viable communities. 

This document is designed to allow CRCRC and its members to maintain the necessary structure to support the objectives identified below. This document also provides information for how CRCRC members will work together and manage the strategic direction of the CRCRC. It covers the areas of membership, dues and contributions, organizational structure, and administrative and financial provisions. The guiding principles are subject to future refinement or changes as CRCRC members may find necessary or advisable. Any changes to this require a majority vote of approval by the Steering Committee.

The geographic scope of the Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative (CRCRC) will initially include, but not be limited to El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba Counties. 2 The CRCRC is comprised of multiple co-equal partners and does not fall under the jurisdiction of any one governmental entity.

The Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative (CRCRC) is a network designed to promote greater resilience through coordination at the regional and local level across the six-county Capital Region (El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties). The purpose of this collaborative is to help leaders from government, business, agriculture, academia, labor, and community groups come together – within and across market and jurisdictional boundaries – to share information and best practices, leverage efforts and resources, avoid duplication, identify critical regional needs, and develop funding strategies to  meet those needs.
