We care about healthy living in the Capital Region. OutsideIn means that the outside environment (climate) affects us on the inside (health). That is why we are concerned about climate change. Now is the time to come together as a community and talk about how hotter temperatures, water shortages and other changes to our environment could harm our well-being. The good news is that many actions that help reduce climate change also improve the health of our families and community.
OutsideIn Capital Region
Keeping Our Air Clean
Despite improvements, the Capital Region still faces some of the worst air pollution in the US, but you can help to keep our air clean by choosing clean modes of transportation, conserving energy and water, and more!
Staying Healthy in the Heat
Extreme heat and heat waves are already impacting the Capital Region. Beat the heat by staying hydrated, planting shade trees, and staying informed about weather projections.
Being Healthy in Wetter Weather
Changes to the Capital Region’s rainfall patterns will challenge our streets, water systems, and everyday lives. Learn more about strategies to safeguard your health and prepare for extreme weather events.
Healthy Climate-Friendly Food
A diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits can help our climate while helping us by preventing diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and hunger — real community health issues across the Capital Region.
Healthy Climate-Friendly Travel
In the Capital Region, climate-friendly travel like walking, biking, and taking public transit (called “active transportation”), are all good for our health and the climate.
Being Healthy in a Drier Climate
Water is critical to California’s way of life. Our economy, our environment and our day-to-day lifestyle need water to flourish. We all have a role to play in promoting water efficiency and preparing for drought.