Current Initiatives

Each year we develop goals that we want to pursue as a region. Here are some of our current initiatives and ongoing activities for 2018.

Investing in Our Future: Communicating Adaptation and Resiliency for Local Leaders

The CRC has created tailored resources for regional leaders to understand why climate change matters for the Sacramento region and how to better communicate on climate and resiliency using language and values that resonate with key stakeholders in the region. The series of five factsheets are available: Resilient Infrastructure, Community Health and Well-BeingPublic Safety and PreparednessNatural Systems, and Economic Vitality.

Urban Heat in the Capital Region

Based off existing research conducted on urban heat patterns in the Capital Region, this initiative aims to bridge the divide between science and policy to better integrate planning and implementation efforts with public health and adaptation to extreme heat.

OutsideIn: Health and Climate in the Capital Region

OutsideIn means that the outside environment (climate) affects us on the inside (health). In partnership with California Department of Public Health, these fact sheets aim to bring the community together and talk about how hotter temperatures, water shortages and other changes to our environment could harm our well-being. There is a Brochure and six factsheets available so far: Air Quality, Drought, Friendly Food, Heat, Travel, and Weather.


Advancing the Urban/Rural Connection

a panoramic photograph of the Sage Creek Restoration project Photo credit to USDA NRCS

Encompassing a range of communities between the Bay Area and the Sierras, the Capital Region is uniquely positioned to strengthen connections between urban California and the rural forests, watersheds, and mountains that supply our water, clean air, recreation opportunities, and more. Inspired by ARCCA’s Urban/Rural Connection Workshop in Sacramento in November 2015, the CRC is working with ARCCA and other regional collaboratives to identify opportunities to further support and enhance efforts to improve the urban-rural relationship.

The CRC teamed up with the Sierra Climate Adaptation & Mitigation Partnership to explore green infrastructure solutions in light of the Oroville Dam near-disaster and developed a white paper, which can be viewed at

Expanding Regional Capacity through CivicSpark

an image of four ladies sitting together on a waist high red brick wall
CivicSpark is a Governor’s Initiative AmeriCorps Program dedicated to building capacity for local governments to address climate change. In the Capital Region, CivicSpark Fellows have provided research, planning and implementation support for organizations such as the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, Cool Davis, the California High Speed Rail Authority, and the Sierra Business Council. CivicSpark is a partnership of the LGC and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research.


Engaging in the Alliance of Regional Collaboratives for Climate Adaptation (ARCCA)

The CRC is a member of ARCCA alongside four other regional adaptation collaboratives in California. The CRC engages in ARCCA through attendance at quarterly in-person meetings, providing letters of support and input on key documents and activities, and supporting various ARCCA initiatives.

Quarterly Meetings

an image of a large room full people attending a meeting with a speaker at the front of the room behind a podium CRC Members listen to Senator Lois Wolk’s keynote at a Quarterly Meeting.

Our Quarterly Meetings bring together regional stakeholders to increase understanding of critical issues, provide updates, and identify opportunities for support and collaboration. Resources from previous meetings are available on our CRC Event Materials Page. Sign up for our listserv to receive invitations to future quarterly meetings.
