Renée DeVere-Oki is the Program Manager of Regional Air Quality and Climate Planning and the Rural-Urban Connections Strategy Program for the Sacramento Area Council of Governments. Her focus areas include transportation planning and policy, interagency engagement, and climate resiliency. She has been at SACOG for over ten years and has worked on many topics ranging from transportation funding and delivery strategies to agriculture and natural resources. She began her career in the Central Valley where she worked for the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District and Fresno Council of Governments, focusing on air quality, agriculture, and transportation. She has a Master’s Degree in in Public Administration from CSU Fresno and Bachelor’s Degrees in Geography and Environmental Studies from UC Santa Barbara. In her free time, she enjoys being outdoors and going on biking adventures with her family.
Renée DeVere-Oki

Renée DeVere-Oki
RUCS Program Manager | Sacramento Area Council of Governments